Struggling to braid your hair? The ’30 Braids in 30 Days’ e-book contains all the tips, tricks and tutorials to help you braid your own hair at home.
Save money on salon upstyles and learn over 30 new hairstyles. Inside you’ll find over 75 pages of hair-spiration including:
- Tutorials for all styles of braids, starting at beginner all the way to advanced
- Step-by-step photo tutorials and written instructions for the 30 braided hairstyles featured in the 30 Braids in 30 Days challenge
- Styling advice on how to prepare your hair for braiding
- Tips for braiding curly hair
- Advice for braiding fine hair
- Product and styling tips and tricks
- Braid troubleshooting guide
Whether you’re a novice or good at braids, you’ll love this ebook written by Christina Butcher, the New York Times’ bestselling author and hair behind the top hair blog, Hair Romance. There are hairstyles to suit all skill levels.
Braid Basics are covered in detail and you can work up to the more complicated hairstyles with practice.
With the 30 Braids in 30 Days ebook you’ll have hairstyle ideas and tips to get rid of bad hair days for good.
30 Braids in 30 Days Hairstyle E-Book
What readers are saying:
“Thank you so much for your amazing site. It has completely transformed my relationship with my hair. Before I started following your blog and reading your eBooks, I was inept and self conscious about doing my hair. I now feel I can do styles and people often compliment me on my hair. This has never happened in my life before and I am so grateful.”
Caroline, The Book Dr
“Just bought a copy of the ebook, and I gotta agree with all the other comments. It’s amazing! I’m useless at hair but after trying a couple of the styles, they look great. Thank you!!”
“You are SERIOUSLY a miracle! You’ve helped me with my hair so much! I’d give you a really tight hug if I could!! I’m so happy, you’re a life-changer!”
“I wore this hairstyle to work today to try it out before a black tie wedding this weekend. I got so many compliments from my co-workers! Definitely a winner – thanks for saving me $100+ that I would have spent on an updo!”
“I’ve never been able to braid my hair but the fishtail this morning was unbelievably easy and it’s all thanks to your easy-to-follow instructions. I can’t wait to try all the other braids!”
Steph, Lipstick & Cake
Take a peek inside…
Learn all these styles…
Get ready for great hair days. Click here to get your copy of 30 Braids in 30 Days now.