Today’s hairstyle tutorial features one of my fave hair bloggers, Roxie of How-to Hair Girl.
Roxie is a stylist and salon owner but shares tips for those of us who like to DIY at home. She has this fierce braid tutorial for us to try.
Hello! My name is Roxie Jane Hunt and I am a hairdresser and blogger over at How-to Hair Girl, where I take tricks and tips from the hair biz and bring them to the DIY crowd.
I am so excited to share a post here today, because I have been so endlessly inspired by Hair Romance, since before I started blogging myself!
Today, I will share with you a Viking Shield Maiden inspired hairstyle from a feature I am doing on HTHG called ‘Fierce Braids.’
This particular hairstyle is pretty fierce, and pretty easy to do! If you know how to do a basic braid, you are all set! Just get yourself a couple of small elastics and brush out your hair, and let’s get to it!
This braid technique is best done as an accent braid (a small decorative braid) and it looks really cool when you do several of them together, as seen in the photos. Here is how to do it.
Viking Inspired Braid Tutorial
Begin by taking a section of hair from your hairline, and splitting it into 3 sub-sections, as you would a regular braid……Here is the catch, though……You want to make sure that your 3 pieces are very different sizes! Yep, that is what makes this braid look cool and different. It consists of a tiny sub-section, a medium sub-section, and a larger sub-section.
Begin braiding your sub-sections together, with medium tension. When your braid is about 4 inches long, pull your 3 subsections together into one, and hold it back against the head, at the point that you would like the braid to connect, and then fall from. Now take 2 small sections of hair from, one from each side of your first braid section.
Begin braiding these 3 together making sure that you keep the first few ovelaps of your braid nice and tight, this will help it attach to the head. Continue braiding with medium tension.
Keep braiding down the length of the hair, and stop when you get several inches from the ends. Tie your braid off with a clear elastic.
Now, do another braid in the same way, next to your first one! You can repeat these lovely braids on the other side if you would like, or you can keep it asymmetrical, It is up to you! Now rock your fierce Viking braids and channel your inner warrioress.
Xoxo, HTHG
How long is her hair, amazing! Thanks for sharing this tutorial Roxie! You can find more on How-to Hair Girl and follow her on Instagram too.
Anonymous says
These instructions are missing a big piece. When does the second side braid happen?
Phyrra says
I love this so much! My hair needs to grow faster!
Anna says
Love this <3
Hair Romance says
Thanks Anna!
Elizabeth says
I’m not sure I totally understand. It feels like this sentence is missing a word or something “Now take 2 small sections of hair from, one from each side of your first braid section.” ?