Karl brings back the crimper with this sky high hair at the Chanel Spring 2012 Couture show.
I adore the beaded and feathered hair accessories. 2012 is the year of the accessory, and this would be a good DIY if you can’t afford the Chanel 😉
Next week I have a fab hair accessory DIY I can’t wait to share with you, and we will be talking perms…
Have a fab weekend x
Photos by GoRunway.com & Fashionishing.com
Kimberly says
Oh, gracious! I’m almost there with this hair style when I wake up in the morning. Doesn’t look healthy to the hair. 🙁 Ouch!
Hair Romance says
Lol! Just add a sparkly hair accessory and it’s couture!
Jenny Leigh says
I LOVE it. Sleek and healthy is great but I love the funky twist it puts on these classic Chanel pieces.
Elli says
They look quite cool!