Ok, I have a hair appointment tomorrow and I’m not going to chicken out (again).
You see, I’ve been talking about changing my hair for a while now. I used to change it every appointment but now I’m blogging it has stayed almost the same for three years. The only difference is that it’s longer.
After my last appointment at Stevie English Hair I posted a photo of my hairstyle asking this same question – what should I do next with my hair?
You sent me some amazing inspiration pictures and I’ve made a little collage of them below.
Can you tell red hair was a popular theme?
So now I need you help in deciding what to do.
Should I go red tomorrow? And do I just dip my toe in with strawberrry blonde or jump in at the copper end?
And what does this mean for 30 Buns in 30 Days?
Well, I’ve been super busy over the last week shooting the whole month of buns so they’ll all be in my blonde hair. I thought it might be weird if my hair colour changed during the month of styles. Plus it gives me a little more time to put my new ebook together. It will be out on 1 July!
So tell me, what do you think I should do next with my hair?
Kimberley says
Don’t go red. Maybe a light warm brown. I really don’t know about cutting curly hair short. Well either way i’m excited to see it.
Katie says
I think you should enjoy the summer as a blonde and when autumn comes change your hair to suit the mood 😉 go for number 6, I think it would look amazing on you. Then after you’ve jumped in you could get darker and redder as winter progresses? You get to try a few colours then? Be very sure that you want to Change though as once you its done its not easy to get you back to where you where.hope this helps 😉 x
Em says
#3 – I saw this on Pinterest a little after your last post and thought of you, and recently saw that you pinned it 🙂 how much fun (and deliberating) is hair shopping?!
I suppose the great thing about colour is that if you don’t warm to it, you can revert to what you’re comfortable with. Not so much the case with cutting the hair… hard to glue it back once its cut off.
Best of luck with your decision & looking forward to seeing your final choice!!
Angela says
You should definitely go with number 5 for color, but keep it longish and curly. I’ve always thought that red curly hair was the prettiest hair!
mira says
I really like the richness of number nine, but that may be too abrupt, so perhaps four, than gradually darkening it?
Natalie says
My vote would probably be for 5! I’d really love to see you with ginger/ red hair!
Callie says
Definitely closer to 1, though maybe with a tad more length so it’s not such a shock to your system. Your hair is great when it’s curly, and it will look fabulous in a layered bob like that. Snip, snip, snip!
Norwenna says
You could start with 5 and if you like it, go to 9!
Miss Pink says
I love love love 5 or 6 for you. Don’t ask me why but it’s just what I’m seeing. If you are up for a BIG change definitely go with either of those!
Molly says
Definitely photo 1!! I just love it!
Lauren says
Hello fellow hair lover,
I think number 8 is beautiful. And I would suggest with your complexion to not go too dark with it. Have you thought about lowlights and an all over colour? Go against the normal grain and maybe try dark copper in packets and a strawberry colour all over?
Silke says
I really like picture number 9, but if that’s too abrupt a change perhaps you can start with strawberry blonde and then gradually darken the red.